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introduced in version 2.0 of the Deck.
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Revealing what a character is thinking of.


Narrative , Emotional Script .
May relate to:
Narrator , Helper Voice .
Often uses:
Dialogue .


Thoughts allow expressing messages in a diegetic way. From an emotional standpoint (Emotional Script), providing access to the PC's Thoughts also has the potential to enhance the empathy between the player and the PC. Additionally, the associated introspection contributes to inspire and maintain a sense of immersion in the experience.

Thoughts often consist of Dialogue that contributes to the Narrative, though other solutions have been explored. When Dialogue is used, it can actually be spoken (though usually in a quieter tone, being directed to the self), or it can be represented as a verbalization "inside the head" of the character. Usually, the latter case uses some acoustic effect, especially when the distinction is relevant (for instance when other characters are present).


Heavy Rain: Choosing Thoughts as part of the gameplay.
Tomb Raider Underworld: Lara's comment (to herself) helps interpreting and focusing on a relevant piece of the puzzle.
Silent Hill: The question allows the player to perceive the PC's interest and own difficulty in understanding the sight.
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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots: An flashback (audio only). In this one, Snake recalls a scene from the former Metal Gear Solid 2.
Sam & Max 301: The Penal Zone: Reading (listening to) other's Thoughts as part of the gameplay.
Heavy Rain: PC's Thoughts as hints on how to proceed.
Deadly Premonition:
