Using the Deck

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Using as reference material

Users may find interesting to browse through the deck just to discuss or get familiar with the vocabulary, concepts and examples, without being actually engaged in a design session.

Using in a design session


Workspace v1.0 had 4 equally sized regions.[Deprecated]
In workspace v2.0 the layout of the regions has been optimized.

We designed a setting meant to be both favourable to the practice of design and convenient for auditing the session.
As part of the process, a workspace can been drawn over an A2 white sheet of paper, divided in 4 regions with the following names and purposes:

  1. Deck: the starting position, i.e., the set of cards not yet considered during the session;
  2. Hand: set of cards still in discussion, i.e., the cards that are no longer in Deck but did not yet reached Solution or Graveyard;
  3. Solution: set of cards that participants consider to have discussed and for which tangible ideas of exploration have been specified;
  4. Graveyard: set of cards that participants have discussed and opted not to explore.

Workspace v1.0

[Deprecated. Please see v2.0, below.]

Workspace v2.0

The workspace v1.0 had 4 equally sized regions, and Graveyard is located after Solution, by no special reason. By observing the way the regions were populated during this exercise, we understood the need to some optimizations and, as such, we have redesigned the layout of the workspace, aiming at: assigning more relative space to the regions where more cards are usually simultaneously considered (namely the Hand); avoiding the possible idea of sequentiality regarding Solution and Graveyard; accommodating a description in each region.