Papa Sangre
From - Sound Design in Games
Revision as of 15:35, 13 September 2011 by ValterAlves (Talk | contribs)
List of identified patterns
Achievement , Ambiance
, Anticipation
, Awareness
, Beacon Locator
, Breath
, Character Soundprint
, CutScenes File:M385px-CutScenes-front-v20.png, Death
, Dialogue
, Emotional Script
, Foley
, Footsteps
, Grunts
, Helper Voice
, Menus
, Music
, Narrative
, NoCanDo
, Seeking for PC
, Sound Decoys
, Sound Effects
, Stealth
, Unaware NPC
, Requisite Variety File:M385px-RequisiteVariety-front-v20.png.