Consequent Sound

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Sound that matters to the gameworld.


Gameplay File:M385px-Gameplay-front-v20.png.
May use many, including:
Make Sound not War , Sing to Act , Play the Beat File:M385px-PlayTheBeat-front-v20.png, Echolocation , Stealth , Sound Decoys , Sound Suppressing , Sonic Weapon , Address Others , Eavesdropping , ....
May imply:
Sound Input .


The attention that entities in the game world have towards the presence of the PC are extensible to its acoustic expression. That is, in the same way that the visual identification of the PC matters for the game world, the relevance of its acoustic expressions is also meaningful. Conversely, the ability for the character to hear can also be explored beyond the strict Awareness of what happens in the vicinity.

Designing an acoustic presence for the PC and consequences for such expressions enlarges considerably the designers creative space and allows to take proper advantage of interactivity. Particular explorations include performing Stealth action, using mechanisms of Sound Suppressing, luring or diverting others' attention through Sound Decoys, explicitly performing sound to achieve a certain result (e.g. as in Sing to Act and Play the Beat), communicating with other characters (Address Others), using Sonic Weapon, or other behaviors that value non-destructive intervention Make Sound not War. Sounds emitted by the character/player may consist of actual player's Sound Input or may be virtually produced, either as part of the Characters' Soundprint or through actions that they may perform.

In turn, designing the PC's ability to interpret consequent sound emitted by other characters, allows to extend the Gameplay to include behavior where that interpretation is actively pursued, such as Eavesdropping and performing Echolocation.


Grand Theft Auto 4:
Commandos BCD:
Chaos Theory:
[show less examples...]
Spore Origins:
Ocarina of Time:
