List of Cards (version 1.0)
Achievement ,
Acoustic Ecology ,
Address Others ,
Ambiance ,
Anticipation ,
Audio Logs ,
Awareness ,
Beacon Locator ,
Breath ,
Character Soundprint ,
Chitchat ,
Consequent Sound ,
Contextual Music ,
Cut-Scenes ,
Death ,
Decay ,
Dialogue ,
Diegetic Music ,
Dubbing ,
Eavesdropping ,
Echolocation ,
Emotional Script ,
Engagement ,
Entrainment ,
Failure ,
Foley ,
Foley Music ,
Footsteps ,
Gameplay ,
Genre ,
Grunts ,
Heartbeat ,
Hurry Up! ,
Identification ,
Imminent Death ,
In-game Feedback ,
Levelled Performance ,
Make Sound not War ,
Menus ,
Music ,
Musical Outcome ,
Narrative ,
No Can Do ,
Ouch! ,
Play the Beat ,
R-A-E-D Iterations ,
Relaxation ,
Requisite Variety ,
Say that Again ,
Seeking for PC ,
Shout and Yell ,
Signature ,
Sing to Act ,
Sonic Weapon ,
Sound Decoys ,
Sound Design in Games ,
Sound Effects ,
Sound Input ,
Sound Layers and Semantics ,
Sound Places ,
Sound Suppressing ,
Sound Visualization ,
Stealth ,
Subtitles and Captions ,
Title Screens ,
Trance ,
Unaware NPC ,
Voice Acting ,
Window of Opportunity .
(the same)
Achievement , Acoustic Ecology , Address Others , Ambiance , Anticipation , Audio Logs File:M385px-AudioLogs-front-v20.png, Awareness , Beacon Locator , Breath , Character Soundprint , Chitchat , Consequent Sound , Contextual Music , Cut-Scenes File:M385px-Cut-Scenes-front-v20.png, Death , Decay , Dialogue , Diegetic Music , Dubbing , Eavesdropping , Echolocation , Emotional Script , Engagement , Entrainment , Failure , Foley , Foley Music , Footsteps , Gameplay File:M385px-Gameplay-front-v20.png, Genre File:M385px-Genre-front-v20.png, Grunts , Heartbeat , Hurry Up! , Identification , Imminent Death , In-game Feedback , Levelled Performance , Make Sound not War , Menus , Music , Musical Outcome , Narrative , No Can Do , Ouch! , Play the Beat File:M385px-PlayTheBeat-front-v20.png, R-A-E-D Iterations , Relaxation , Requisite Variety File:M385px-RequisiteVariety-front-v20.png, Say that Again , Seeking for PC , Shout and Yell , Signature , Sing to Act , Sonic Weapon , Sound Decoys , Sound Design in Games , Sound Effects , Sound Input , Sound Layers and Semantics File:M385px-SoundLayersAndSemantics-front-v20.png, Sound Places File:M385px-SoundPlaces-front-v20.png, Sound Suppressing , Sound Visualization , Stealth , Subtitles and Captions , Title Screens , Trance , Unaware NPC , Voice Acting , Window of Opportunity .