Helper Voice

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Revision as of 09:33, 18 August 2011 by ValterAlves (Talk | contribs)

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This is a candidate pattern, which may enter version 2.0 of the Deck.
Front face Back face
The card's front face The card's back face

Candidate Card


Conveying messages through the voice of disembodied or remote entities.


Gameplay File:M385px-Gameplay-front-v20.png, Awareness .
May relate to:
Narrative .
Relates to:
Audio Logs File:M385px-AudioLogs-front-v20.png.
Differs from:
Narrator .


Helper Voice may contribute with pieces of Narrative but it is different from Narrator.


[Note: considering that this is still a candidate pattern, more examples then usually are presented, in order to provide a better support for the discussion.]

Assassin's Creed: The Animus ('a projector which renders genetic memories') serves gameplay hints while loading levels
Mirror's Edge: A partner, over a communicator, explains the best strategy for the next piece of gameplay.
[show less examples...]
Chaos Theory:
Papa Sangre: In the beginning of the game, 'a fluttery watery thing' presents itself as someone the player cannot see but who is there to help.
Shadow of the Colossus: A voice from above explains the strategy to defeat a particular boss. In case the player is not able to progress the voice repeats after a while.
