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Creating a distinctive and memorable association with a sound.


May relate to:
Identification .
May use many, including:
Aesthetics , Sound Effects , Character Soundprint , Footsteps , Grunts , Music .


Sound is prevalent in many of the most recognized Signatures in games. A Signature supports a strong link between players and on what they keep in memory from their experience while playing. Not only, it evokes a memory but it also works as a token that allows different players to communicate their common experience.

Building a Signature is both relevant in emotional and commercial terms.

A Signature is, almost by definition, achieved through singularity. Music or particular Sound Effects are common ways to achieve it, but aspects of the Characters' Soundprint also constitute a vast space of opportunities.


Super Mario: The Music in Super Mario is one most recognized Signature in the history of games.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sega possesses one of the most well known Signatures in the world of games, in which the sound is the memorable element. It is a common element to many of their games. One of those games is Sonic the Hedgehog, which has one other widely recognized Signature: the Sound Effects – and their overabundance – signalling the Achievements when collecting rings.
Bioshock: This is one of the games that builds a Signature out of the Characters' Soundprint, mainly through the Dialogues.
Wolfenstein 3-D:
[show less examples...]
Ice Age 3: Scrat's Grunts and fast sequences of Footsteps constitute a Signature for this game.
Assassin's Creed:
Papa Sangre:
