Address Others

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Enabling the PC to use sound to address NPCs.


Consequent Sound , Make Sound not War .
May imply:
Sound Input .
Often uses:
Dialogue , Foley .


Some games preview the possibility of the PC being able to address the NPC (diegetically) through a sound stimulus. Solutions include short Dialogue, whistling, and car honking. Motivations may relate to the Gameplay, or simply be part of the exploratory dimension of the experience.


Assassin's Creed 2: Ezio addressing hired people either using Dialogue or by whistling, with semantics equivalent to 'stay' and 'come'.
Uncharted 2: Nathan can exchange compliments with the villagers or even pet a yak, using Dialogue
Ico: Ico calling Yorda is a Signature of this game and has high impact in the Emotional Script
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Heavy Rain: Ethan calling his son while seeking for him in the middle of the crowd in a shopping center.
Red Dead Redemption: John calling for a horse. He can also address people, in which case they exchange some compliment.
Spore: When performing the mating call, other members of the same species answer back, which allows to locate the nest.
Dead to Rights: Retribution: Jack asking his sidekick dog, Shadow, to perform certain tasks: attacking an enemy, fetching guns, taking cover. In many scenes, Shadow's contributions are instrumental to success.
Shadow of the Colossus: Wander is able to call his horse Agro. The call is adapted to the distance between them.
Ocarina of Time: Saria can be remotely contacted by playing her song in the ocarina.
