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The deck of cards in version v1.0
This deck of cards is an instrument, which is part of a wider initiative to develop a pattern language aiming to support the empowerment of non-expert practitioners to perform sound design in games.
The anatomy of a card (here illustrated over the card named Achievement), (as of v1.0)

The first released version is 1.0 – the current version. Version 2.0 will be ready soon (see revision notes).
As with other components in this site, the presentation of the cards is still being developed, so please accept the current incompleteness of the released information.

The cards (version 1.0)

Version 1.0 of the deck consists of 68 cards, one for each homonymous design pattern we had distilled in the collection.
List (Views: in another page; Sort: alphabetic | default | random)

The current list of patterns represented as cards is: Achievement , Acoustic Ecology , Address Others , Ambiance , Anticipation , Audio Logs File:M385px-AudioLogs-front-v20.png, Awareness , Beacon Locator , Breath , Character Soundprint , Chitchat , Consequent Sound , Contextual Music , Cut-Scenes File:M385px-Cut-Scenes-front-v20.png, Death , Decay , Dialogue , Diegetic Music , Dubbing , Eavesdropping , Echolocation , Emotional Script , Engagement , Entrainment , Failure , Foley , Foley Music , Footsteps , Gameplay File:M385px-Gameplay-front-v20.png, Genre File:M385px-Genre-front-v20.png, Grunts , Heartbeat , Hurry Up! , Identification , Imminent Death , In-game Feedback , Levelled Performance , Make Sound not War , Menus , Music , Musical Outcome , Narrative , No Can Do , Ouch! , Play the Beat File:M385px-PlayTheBeat-front-v20.png, R-A-E-D Iterations , Relaxation , Requisite Variety File:M385px-RequisiteVariety-front-v20.png, Say that Again , Seeking for PC , Shout and Yell , Signature , Sing to Act , Sonic Weapon , Sound Decoys , Sound Design in Games , Sound Effects , Sound Input , Sound Layers and Semantics File:M385px-SoundLayersAndSemantics-front-v20.png, Sound Places File:M385px-SoundPlaces-front-v20.png, Sound Suppressing , Sound Visualization , Stealth , Subtitles and Captions , Title Screens , Trance , Unaware NPC , Voice Acting , Window of Opportunity .

Thumbnails (Views: in another page; Sort: alphabetic | default | random)

Achievement-front-v20.png AcousticEcology-front-v20.png AddressOthers-front-v20.png Aesthetics-front-v20.png AffectedHearing-front-v20.png Ambiance-front-v20.png Anticipation-front-v20.png Awareness-front-v20.png BeaconLocator-front-v20.png Breath-front-v20.png CharacterSoundprint-front-v20.png Chitchat-front-v20.png ConsequentSound-front-v20.png ContextualMusic-front-v20.png Cutscenes-front-v20.png Death-front-v20.png Decay-front-v20.png Dialogue-front-v20.png DiegeticMusic-front-v20.png Directionality-front-v20.png Dubbing-front-v20.png Eavesdropping-front-v20.png Echolocation-front-v20.png EmotionalScript-front-v20.png Engagement-front-v20.png Entrainment-front-v20.png Failure-front-v20.png Foley-front-v20.png FoleyMusic-front-v20.png Footsteps-front-v20.png Grunts-front-v20.png Heartbeat-front-v20.png HelperVoice-front-v20.png HurryUp-front-v20.png Identification-front-v20.png ImminentDeath-front-v20.png In-gameFeedback-front-v20.png LevelledPerformance-front-v20.png MakeSoundNotWar-front-v20.png Menus-front-v20.png Music-front-v20.png MusicalOutcome-front-v20.png Narrative-front-v20.png Narrator-front-v20.png NoCanDo-front-v20.png Noise-front-v20.png Ouch-front-v20.png PitchGameplay-front-v20.png Radio-front-v20.png R-A-E-DIterations-front-v20.png Recordings-front-v20.png Relaxation-front-v20.png Revelation-front-v20.png RhythmGameplay-front-v20.png SayThatAgain-front-v20.png SeekingForPC-front-v20.png ShoutAndYell-front-v20.png Signature-front-v20.png Silence-front-v20.png SingToAct-front-v20.png SonicWeapon-front-v20.png SoundDecoys-front-v20.png SoundDesignInGames-front-v20.png SoundEffects-front-v20.png SoundInput-front-v20.png SoundSuppressing-front-v20.png SoundVisualization-front-v20.png Stealth-front-v20.png SubtitlesAndCaptions-front-v20.png SuspiciousNPC-front-v20.png Thoughts-front-v20.png TimeTwist-front-v20.png TitleScreens-front-v20.png Trance-front-v20.png UnawareNPC-front-v20.png Variety-front-v20.png VoiceActing-front-v20.png WindowOfOpportunity-front-v20.png

Using the Deck

Suggestions on how to explore the deck of cards.

Printable Deck

Printer-ready version of the deck in PDF. Crop margins included. Recommended printer settings: A3, two-sided, left binding.

Versions summary

Version 1.0

Version v1.0 of the deck consists of 68 cards, one for each homonymous design pattern we had distilled in the collection.

Version 0.9.5

Version 0.9.5 has been a working version of the deck. It was mostly similar to version 1.0.

Seminal Pattern Collection (before Deck)