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Perceptible sound of breathing.


Character Soundprint , Awareness , Emotional Script , Entrainment .
Relates to:
Grunts .
Makes use of:
Foley .


When Breath is associated to pain or sever distress it sometimes becomes tends towards Grunts.


Heavy Rain: This Cut-Scene uses Breath to augment the perception of distress.
Mini Ninjas: Amongst the several selectable PC, Futo is the only one whose breath is perceptible (when running). This singularity in the Character Soundprint makes sense considering is physical characteristics
Halo: The gameplay does not allow long runs. This Breath sound helps to accept that is because it is hard for the character to do it.
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Half-Life 2: In this case the semantics is reversed. We hear Freeman trying to hold is Breath, not to get drown, which is a clear indicator of Imminent Death that is also very effective in terms of the Emotional Script.
Papa Sangre: Breath helps to characterise the pace (running, instead of walking) and provides one more element to give existence to a character who the player never sees.
Limbo: Breath (together with Footsteps) puts the focus on the character and messages his effort.
Silent Hill: The uneasy Breath, after a run, adds to the already distressful Acoustic Ecology.
Chaos Theory: Breath complements the Character Soundprint in a context when it makes sense
