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Perceptible sound of breathing.


Character Soundprint , Awareness , Emotional Script , Entrainment .
Relates to:
Grunts .
Makes use of:
Foley .


When Breath is associated to pain or sever distress it sometimes becomes tends towards Grunts.


Mirror's Edge: in this game Breath is highly naturalist and effective in terms of the Emotional Script. All the complexity of timings and intensities of breath holding, sonorous exhalations and Grunts, characterise very efficiently the movements and support an Entrainment that allows the game to be felt in first-person.
Half-Life 2: In this case the semantics is reversed. We hear Freeman trying to hold is Breath, not to get drown, which is a clear indicator of Imminent Death that is also very effective in terms of the Emotional Script.
Heavy Rain: This Cut-Scene uses Breath to augment the perception of distress.
[show less examples...]
Halo: The gameplay does not allow long runs. This Breath sound helps to accept that is because it is hard for the character to do it.
Limbo: Breath (together with Footsteps) puts the focus on the character and messages his effort.
Mini Ninjas: Amongst the several selectable PC, Futo is the only one whose breath is perceptible (when running). This singularity in the Character Soundprint makes sense considering is physical characteristics
Papa Sangre: Breath helps to characterise the pace (running, instead of walking) and provides one more element to give existence to a character who the player never sees.
Silent Hill: The uneasy Breath, after a run, adds to the already distressful Acoustic Ecology.
Chaos Theory: Breath complements the Character Soundprint in a context when it makes sense
