Title Screens

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Revision as of 19:15, 16 August 2011 by ValterAlves (Talk | contribs)

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Sound during the presentation of a game product.


Sound Places File:M385px-SoundPlaces-front-v20.png, Signature .
Menus , Cut-Scenes File:M385px-Cut-Scenes-front-v20.png, Gameplay File:M385px-Gameplay-front-v20.png.
Often uses:
Music , Sound Effects .


Title Screens constitute one of the distinctive components (Sound Places) of sound design in games, along with the introductory Menus, Cut-Scenes, and – the more 'extensive' component – the sound occurring during Gameplay.

Although the exposition of the player to the Title Screens is very short when compared with the other Sound Places, it constitutes the first contact of the player with the game, both when first running and in each new session. Being so, it plays an emotional role that sound can help to explore.


Tomb Raider Underworld:
Silent Hill Homecoming:
Metal Gear Solid 4:
[show less examples...]
Heavy Rain:
Silent Hill:
